A determined student’s educational journey is transformed after reaching out to us for assistance.
Success Stories
Looking for Health and Finding Community
Kate loves yoga. She loves the health benefits as well as the community connections she’s made. Yoga has become an important physical and social activity for her. At first, she paid for her classes through a temporary private grant but then she asked her Area Agency to pay as part of her services under the DD Waiver. Her Area Agency was not supportive… at first.
Helping Our Client Carry the Load
Diane, who has orthopedic impairments which limit her mobility, was unable to carry her laundry from her third-floor apartment to the laundry room in the basement of her building without severe back pain.
“I showed them I could do this work”
Dylan reached out to us for assistance and together we were able to work with his employer to make sure that his job requirements were essential to the function of his job. As he reflected upon his successful completion of the job, Dylan said, “I showed them I could do this work”.
Breathing a Little Bit Easier
We worked with Wendy to successfully request both a structural modification to her windows and an accommodation to the building policy so she could use a window unit once her windows were changed. Now Wendy can breathe better and feels more secure in her apartment.
A Long Fought For Homecoming
After over twenty years living in an institution, we helped Toni access the supports she needed to live at home in her community.
Regaining Access to His Community
We were able to get the railroad company to fix its tracks so that James can once again safely and independently go to and from town.
Fighting Against Housing Discrimination
We stepped in when a landlord refused to rent to Kathleen because she has a disability and might require accommodations in the future. Kathleen and her son were able to happily settle in to their new place.
Breaking Free of School-based Restraint Chair
Due to our advocacy, the school district stopped using the restraint chair in the classroom entirely. Sarah’s son is now much happier at school.
Accessing Educational Opportunities in High School
We clarified for the school that the education guidelines allow for modifications to enable students with disabilities to participate in vocational programs.
Fighting for Medicaid
We helped to successfully appeal Ryleigh’s ineligibility decision for a children’s Medicaid program.
Breaking down Communication Barriers in the Healthcare Setting
We helped Tom develop a plan to make sure that he would be fully supported during future visits to the hospital.
Accessing an Afterschool Program
After being denied access to an after school program because she uses a wheelchair, Ella is successfully attending and enjoying the program along with her friends and peers.
Streamlining Access to Nepali Sign Language Interpreters
Each year we now petition the NH Interpreter Licensure Board for a one-year waiver that covers all Nepali Sign Language interpreting for Kamala and several other deaf and hard of hearing Nepali-Bhutanese people.
Fighting for the Right to Communicate
We worked with Marjorie to get the supports she needed and the state agency agreed to conduct additional training about scheduling interpreters, using video relay, and effectively communicating with people who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Employment Accommodations Following a Mental Health Crisis
After learning about her employment rights, Kelly was able to advocate for herself to get the supports she needed to further her career.
Eliminating Barriers to Employment
Sherri, who is legally blind, fulfilled her dream of becoming a realtor.
Helping Charles Receive Services
We helped Charles qualify for services so he could receive supports at home. When Charles’ service hours were later reduced, we stepped in again and successfully had them restored.