Assistive Technology

Close up of the back of a teenager's head. They have medium dark skin tone and dark braided hair with red accents. A white hearing device is wrapped around their ear.

Assistive Technology

We help individuals in identifying and obtaining the assistive technology they need to succeed in school, excel at work, enjoy life, and stay connected with their communities.

Assistive Technology (AT) includes any item, piece of equipment, or product that increases, maintains, or improves the ability of individuals with disabilities to function.

Some categories of assistive technology include:

The Law

Both federal and state laws exist to help people with disabilities access assistive technology.

Some of the key federal laws include:

In New Hampshire, some of the key state laws include:

  • RSA 171-A:6: Requires that all people with developmental disabilities who access state services through the area agency system have their assistive technology needs assessed at least once a year.
  • Ed 1100 rules: Requires schools to assess and provide the technology necessary for students to access their classes and ensure they receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) as required by the IDEA

How We Can Help

If you have questions about assistive technology for you or a family member, we can help.

Examples of how we can help:

  • A student needs assistive technology to get the education they are entitled to, but the school district isn’t providing the device or services they need.
  • A person needs assistive technology in order to get or successfully do a job, but Vocational Rehabilitation will not provide it as part of the person’s plan.
  • A client of an area agency needs assistive technology but isn’t getting it as part of their service plan.

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If You Need Help

Contact us if your think your employment rights have been violated or if you wish to speak with an attorney about a disability-related legal issue.

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