PAIMI Advisory Council

Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program Advisory Council

The PAIMI Advisory Council advises DRC-NH on policies and priorities relating to individuals with mental illness. Members help educate the public about the DRC-NH’s purpose, priorities, and activities.  Council members have a commitment to improving mental health services, are self or family advocates, or are professionals or members of the public who have knowledge and interest in mental health issues.

Current PAIMI Advisory Council Members

Jean Lewandowski (Chair)
Deb Yuknewicz-Boisvert (Vice Chair)
Cassie Cramer
Kelly Ehrhart
John Kitchen
Elizabeth Luna
Lauren Rosenzweig
Ellen Tavino

Past PAIMI Council Events

Join the PAIMI Advisory Council

Are you interested in becoming more involved with our work in this area?  Consider becoming a member of the PAIMI Advisory Council.

E-mail for more information.