Know Your Voting Rights: One4all Accessible Voting System

The one4all system may be used by any voter during an election – with or without disabilities.

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One4all accessible voting system with tablet and yellow keyboard on a table.

New Hampshire has introduced an accessible voting system known as the one4all, which helps people with disabilities exercise their right to vote. The one4all system uses a tablet, keyboard, headset, and printer to allow people of all abilities to cast their ballot securely, privately, and independently.

Although it is electronic, the one4all system is NOT an online voting system. The one4all system simply allows you to select your choices on a tablet instead of on paper. After making your selections, you print out a completed paper ballot and give it to the clerk to submit along with everyone else’s.

How Do I Use It?

When you check in at the polling place, simply tell the poll worker that you would like to use the accessible voting machine. You do not need to have a disability to use the machine. In fact, people without disabilities report that using the one4all system is faster and easier than using a traditional ballot. The one4all system is user-friendly.

  • Once you are in the voting booth, the preloaded ballot will be ready for you to cast your vote.
  • To vote for a candidate, select their name on the touchscreen and hit “next.” If you select the wrong candidate by accident, you can change your vote by hitting the “go back” button.
  • After you have completed your voting, you will have a chance to review your ballot before submitting it.
  • Once you have submitted your ballot, the system will print out a paper copy that you can take and bring to the accuvote machine for tabulation. Your vote is recorded on the paper ballot, it is not recorded digitally or online, so it is important to remember to turn in your paper ballot before leaving the polling station.

When Can I Use It?

All voters in New Hampshire can now vote privately, securely, and independently in all elections, including municipal elections, typically held in March for towns and November for cities.

The accessible one4all voting system is now available to use during local, state, and federal elections including the upcoming general election. Every polling place in New Hampshire has a one4all system. For more about the recent expansion of accessible voting visit

You can still request that an accessible voting system be available during your local elections. See our voting resources for a template request letter. If you have any questions about making this request, please contact us.

Why Should I Use It?

Using the one4all system streamlines voting by making the process simple, fast, and efficient. Additionally, using the one4all system encourages poll workers and ballot clerks to become more aware of issues related to inclusion and accessibility. When you use the one4all system you are not just casting a ballot, you are also helping to preserve and protect the rights of Americans with disabilities.

Download Our Know Your Rights Flyer (PDF, 211 KB)

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Call Us. We Can Help.

If you run into accessibility issues at the polls, have questions about voting in NH, or think your voting rights have been violated because of your disability you can contact DRC-NH to speak with an attorney free of charge.

Contact Us


Disability Rights Center – New Hampshire is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating barriers for people with disabilities across New Hampshire. DRC is the federally designated protection and advocacy agency for New Hampshire and has authority under federal law to conduct investigations in cases of probable abuse or neglect.

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