New Hampshire lawmakers regularly make decisions that impact the daily lives of people with disabilities, including funding for services, education, housing, healthcare and much, much, more.
Anyone can share their thoughts and experiences with the legislature. When a bill is under review, committee hearings are held in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. You can participate by speaking at a hearing or by submitting written testimony. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to get involved:
First, Gather Key Information About the Bill:
Look the bill up on the General Court’s website.
- Note the BILL NUMBER.
- Note whether the bill is in the HOUSE or the SENATE.
- Note what COMMITTEE will be holding a hearing on the bill.
- Note what DATE the hearing is for the bill.
Having trouble navigating the State House website? Watch this video from our friends at Granite State Independent Living:
How to Sign-in or Submit Testimony for a Bill in the House:
- Go to the Online Testimony Submission form.
- Enter your information as indicated on the online form.
- Chose the date of public hearing.
- Select the House Committee assigned to the bill.
- Select the bill you want to testify on.
- Indicate your position on the bill (‘sign-in’).
- Submit your testimony:
- Option 1: Upload a PDF
- Option 2: Type your testimony in the text box provided
- Review and hit the ‘Submit’ button.
How to Sign-in for a Bill in the Senate:
- Go to the Senate Remote Sign-in Sheet
- Select the date of the public hearing
- Select the Senate Committee
- Select the bill you want to weigh in on.
- Indicate your position on the bill.
- Review and hit ‘Continue’ button to submit your sign-in.
How to Submit Written Testimony for a Bill in the Senate:
- Click the “Email Entire Committee” link – this should work if you use Outlook. If you use a different e-mail application, you might have to manually type the committee member’s e-mails into your email.
- Write and submit your testimony and send your email.
How To Watch Committee Livestreams:
Committee hearings are streamed live to YouTube
How to Identify and Contact Your Representative or Senator:
How to Learn About Bills of Interest
Many organizations provide legislative updates via email and social media. For example, both Granite State Independent Living and New Futures send weekly updates: