Chart of the Involuntary Emergency Admission and Commitment Process

Related Information

Involuntary Commitment

A court can order you to be held against your wishes at a psychiatric facility, like New Hampshire Hospital or another designated facility, if you are found to have a mental illness that causes you to be a danger to yourself or others. Learn about this process and know your rights.

Conditional Discharge

When you have been committed to New Hampshire Hospital, the hospital may discharge you in one of two ways: Absolute discharge or Conditional discharge. With a conditional discharge, you must voluntarily agree to specific conditions in order to be discharged. Learn about this process and your rights.


Disability Rights Center – New Hampshire is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating barriers for people with disabilities across New Hampshire. DRC is the federally designated protection and advocacy agency for New Hampshire and has authority under federal law to conduct investigations in cases of probable abuse or neglect.

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