Grievance Policy and Procedures
It is the policy of the DRC-NH to provide all clients and those seeking services with a copy of the Grievance Policy and Procedures and an opportunity to file a grievance. If you choose to file a grievance, you are assured that no adverse repercussions will occur to you in any future interaction with the DRC-NH.
A grievance may be filed for the following reasons:
- You feel that you were improperly denied services (see Part I)
- You feel that the services were not effective (see Part I)
- You feel that you were improperly denied a reasonable
accommodation (see Part II)
You, or someone you ask to help you, should put your grievance in writing and submit it on a Client Grievance Form, which you may request by calling DRC-NH. An exception would be in Step 1 should you choose to discuss the complaint with the Litigation Director or Managing Attorney. If you are unable to write the complaint yourself and cannot find anyone to help you, you may submit it orally or on a cassette tape or ask DRC-NH to provide you assistance in submitting your complaint. If you choose not to use the Grievance Form, please make sure that you have included the same information that is asked for on the form.
All timelines may be extended by mutual agreement.
Your confidentiality will be protected throughout the grievance appeal.
To file a complaint with DRC-NH, please follow the steps below:
Step 1 Within 30 days following the action with which you disagree, you may contact the Litigation Director or Managing Attorney to discuss your complaint with them or put your complaint in writing and direct it to their attention. The Litigation Director or Managing Attorney has up to 30 days, from the time DRC-NH receives your complaint, in which to provide you a written decision. If you were denied services based on the merits of your case, the Managing Attorney or Litigation Director’s decision shall be final. If you were denied services for another reason, you may proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 If you are not satisfied with the decision of the Litigation Director or Managing Attorney, and you want to have that decision reviewed, you must, within 15 days of the date of the decision of the Litigation Director or Managing Attorney, request that the Executive Director review the decision of the Litigation Director or Managing Attorney. The Executive Director has up to 30 days from the time DRC-NH receives your complaint in which to provide you a written decision. This decision shall be based on a careful review of the Litigation Director or Managing Attorney’s decision and any other materials submitted.
Step 3 If you are not satisfied with the decision of the Executive Director, and you want that decision reviewed, you must, within 15 days of the date of the decision of the Executive Director, request a review of the Executive Director’s decision by the Grievance Committee of the Board of Directors. The request shall be submitted to the Executive Director who will forward it to the President of the Board of Directors.
The President of the Board will appoint a Grievance Committee to review your complaint.
Your appeal will authorize the disclosure to the Grievance Committee of information from your file and will waive the attorney-client privilege for purposes of the grievance appeal.
The Grievance Committee will meet to review your complaint. The Committee Chair may contact you or your representative with additional questions or to obtain more information about your appeal. The Grievance Committee will determine whether it will conduct a paper review or in person meeting with you. In a paper review, the decision is based on information in your file and any supplemental information you provide to the Committee.
The decision of the Executive Director will be overturned only upon a showing that there was an abuse of discretion. The President of the Board of Directors shall send the decision of the Grievance Committee to you in writing as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days after DRC-NH receives your request for a review, unless the President of the Board of Directors or Chair of the Grievance Committee communicates to you in writing that the Grievance Committee needs more time.
The decision of the Grievance Committee is final.
DRC-NH wants to make sure that persons with disabilities who require a reasonable accommodation to access DRC-NH services and facilities receive one. If you feel you need a reasonable accommodation or requested one from DRC-NH staff and were denied one, you should contact DRC-NH’s Section 504 coordinator within 15 days of the denial. They will resolve the matter in accordance with DRC-NH policies and procedures. The 504 coordinator can be contacted at the above address, phone or fax number.
To obtain a copy of DRC-NH’s complete anti-discrimination policy and procedures on how to request a reasonable accommodation, you may (a) contact DRC-NH by telephone, mail or email to request a copy or (b) review it on DRC-NH’s website at
If DRC-NH‘s Section 504 coordinator does not authorize a reasonable accommodation, you may appeal that decision following the “steps” under Part I above.
The Executive Director shall submit reports to the Board of Directors regarding grievances handled in Step 1, by the Litigation Director or Managing Attorney, and Step 2, by the Executive Director at least three times per year.
The Executive Director shall submit a report to the PAIMI Advisory Council regarding grievances related to the PAIMI Program handled in Step 1, by the Litigation Director or Managing Attorney, Step 2, by the Executive Director, and Step 3, by the Board of Directors at least once per year.