Yes We Are Open!
Our offices may be empty, but our staff and attorneys are busier than ever and ready to help you. Here are just a few things we have been up to:
- Providing legal assistance to families so that their children with disabilities can continue to learn and receive services in this new remote learning environment
- Training parents of children with disabilities about their rights to special education and related services during remote learning
- Monitoring conditions in NH’s institutions to ensure the most vulnerable are safe and protected during this time when their families can’t visit
- Advocating for mental health services for people with significant disabilities who don’t have access to the internet or cell phones
- Advocating with state officials to protect people with disabilities against discrimination in healthcare rationing decisions
- Advocating with hospitals about their visitor policies and their need to reasonably accommodate people with disabilities who require a support person
- Helping people with disabilities access community-based services so that they are not stuck in the hospital unnecessarily
We hope you will support this work by making a donation today, because even in a crisis, people with disabilities have the right to live, work, learn, and access their community without discrimination.