Established in 1975, PADD is funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, and is the first program established by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (DD Act).
Federal Programs & Funding
PAIMI Program
Established in 1986, PAIMI is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and mandates P&As to protect and advocate for the rights of people with mental illness and investigate reports of abuse and neglect in facilities that care for or treat individuals with mental illness.
PAIR Program
Established in 1993, PAIR is funded by the Rehabilitative Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Education, and enables individuals who are not eligible under either PADD or PAIMI or the Client Assistance Program administered by the Governor’s Commission on Disability to receive services. With PAIR, the P&As are authorized to serve persons with all types of disabilities.
PAAT Program
Established in 1994, PAAT is funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, and allows P&As to assist individuals who have difficulty accessing assistive technology devices or services
PABSS Program
Established in 1999, PABSS is funded by the Social Security Administration. Individuals assisted under PABSS must receive either SSI (Supplemental Security Income) or SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) and want to obtain, retain or regain employment. Eligible individuals may include students transitioning from school to work, clients of area agencies and mental health centers, or other persons with disabilities who have issues related to obtaining work or keeping their job.
PATBI Program
Establish in 2002, PATBI is funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, and provides protection and advocacy services to individuals with traumatic brain injury.
PAVA Program
Enacted as part of the Help America Vote Act of 2002, PAVA is funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living. The purpose of the program is to ensure full participation in the electoral process for individuals with disabilities, including registering or casting a vote, and accessing polling places.
PABRP/Representative Payee Program
The Strengthening Protections for Social Security Beneficiaries Act of 2018 authorizes the P&A system to monitor and investigate how social security representative payees are administering Social Security funds. The law directs P&As to conduct periodic, onsite individual or organizational representative payee reviews along with additional discretionary reviews. In addition, the P&As can conduct educational visits and reviews based on allegations they receive of payee misconduct.