Medicaid For Children

Medicaid is the largest source of federally-supported healthcare coverage for low-income families and children.

Children’s Medicaid

The Medicaid program covers a broad scope of heathcare treatment and services.  Under federal law, Medicaid must cover certain ‘mandatory’ services such as hospitalization, doctor visits and family planning.  Under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) Medicaid Program, states must also cover comprehensive screening, diagnosis, and treatment services for children and young adults.

Katie Beckett Medicaid for severely disabled children

Some children may be eligible for Home Care for Children with Severe Disabilities (HCCSD) commonly known as Katie Beckett. Eligibility for Katie Beckett is based on the child’s disability and income (parents’ income is not considered).

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) Program

EPSDT is a Medicaid program for children under the age of 21. Under EPSDT, Medicaid eligible children are entitled to a wide range of medical services including periodic medical screenings, diagnostic evaluations, and all medically necessary services that the federal government allows Medicaid to cover.

Services available under EPSDT include: Screening, immunizations, lab tests for lead toxicity, health education, vision, hearing, dental services, and other necessary health care, diagnosis, services, and treatment.

Under EPSDT, states must assess children’s health needs to ensure health problems are diagnosed and treated before they become more serious or complex. The state must also provide scheduling assistance and help with transportation to medical appointments.

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If You Need Help

Contact us if you have specific questions or concerns regarding Medicaid/Katie Beckett/EPSDT-covered services or if you wish to speak with an attorney about a disability-related legal issue.

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