Access and Accommodation

Woman with Seeing Eye Dog

Access and Accommodation

We help individuals with disabilities resolve a wide range of accessibility and accommodation issues including access to physical structures, access to communication for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, and protections for individuals who have service animals.

Architectural Access

We work toward making government services and buildings, polling places and voting, businesses, universities and colleges, hospitals and other private places of accommodation accessible to all persons with disabilities.

Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Deaf or hard of hearing individuals have the right to effective communication with government, businesses, and employers. We help individuals with disabilities resolve a wide range of accessibility and accommodation issues including access to communication for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Service and Companion Animals

Individuals with disabilities have the right to bring their service animals onto business premises in whatever areas customers are generally allowed. We help individuals with disabilities resolve a wide range of accessibility and accommodation issues including protections for individuals who have service animals.

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If You Need Help

Contact us if you have a question about or problem with access and/or accommodations or if you wish to speak with an attorney about a disability-related legal issue.


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