PAVA Program

PAVA Goals and Priorities: October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021

DRC-NH receives PAVA funding to help people with disabilities to vote more independently and privately.  This grant also funds training for people with disabilities, providers, family members and election officials regarding the voting rights of people with disabilities. DRC-NH helps with disability related legal issues in the priority areas outlined below.


Protection and Advocacy for Voting Access (PAVA) Program

Provide individual counseling and advice to people with disabilities regarding voting rights.

Educate voters with disabilities, family members, advocates and providers about voting rights of people with disabilities.

Train municipal attorneys, election officials, town moderators and others about the voting rights of people with disabilities and their obligations to make voting accessible.

Advocate for the use of accessible voting technology by people with disabilities and advocates across New Hampshire.

Conduct outreach, including demonstration of the accessible voting machines, throughout NH.

Survey candidates in state or federal elections regarding issues that are important to people with disabilities.  Share the results of the surveys in non-partisan ways to educate voters with disabilities.

Partner with disability groups across the state to raise awareness of elections, increase participation of people with disabilities and address identified barriers to participation.

Ensure NH’s laws and policies promote the rights of people with disabilities to vote.

Ensure people with disabilities can fully participate in the legislative process.

Ensure DRC-NH collaborates with other groups and organizations on voting rights and voting issues impacting people with disabilities via committee work and other voting rights advocacy.

  • Granite State Independent Living
  • NH Bar Assn. -Bar Sections
  • Access to Justice
  • NH Council on Developmental Disabilities
  • State Council on Aging
  • NH Secretary of State

Educate the media on the voting rights of people with disabilities.

Note: PAVA funding cannot be used for litigation.