Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS) Program
Monitor/investigate the provision of supported employment services and other barriers to full competitive employment for beneficiaries of social security
Provide counseling and advice to beneficiaries of social security with barriers to employment
Provide limited or full representation to beneficiaries of social security with disabilities regarding barriers to employment. Below are examples of the types of cases DRC-NH will consider:
- Access to transition services related to employment
- Employment discrimination
- Access to supported employment services from community mental health centers
- Access to supported employment services from area agencies
- Access to vocational rehabilitation services
- Egregious violations of rights in other employment areas after informal efforts to resolve the problem have been unsuccessful
In accepting cases for limited or full representation, DRC-NH will consider the following:
- Does the case have legal merit?
- Do we have the capacity, funding and expertise to provide quality representation?
- Does the case fit within our priorities?
- What is the likelihood that our advocacy would make a positive difference to people with disabilities?
- Would our advocacy result in services being provided in a more integrated setting?
Learn more about our case criteria and exclusions
Other Systemic Advocacy
DRC-NH will monitor these issues and advocate for systemic improvements as resources allow.
- Implementation of Order of Selection for NH Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Elder law issues
- Rules that exceed federal minimums
Ensure policy makers are aware of the impact of laws and regulations on the employment rights of and issues impacting beneficiaries of social security.
- Educate on the impact of proposed legislation on the employment rights of and issues impacting beneficiaries of social security in NH as resources allow.
- Educate on the impact of proposed regulations on the employment rights of and issues impacting beneficiaries of social security in NH as resources allow.
Communicate to people with disabilities, family members and others regarding access to employment
- Conduct outreach and training as limited resources allow. Priority will be given to outreach and training:
- Communicate via DRC-NH e-news, social media and website
- Communicate via the media
- Publish Disability RAPP sheet
- Develop brochures and written materials. Priority will be given to the development of written materials in areas where we are not providing representation.
Ensure DRC-NH collaborates with other groups and organizations on employment rights and issues impacting people with disabilities via committee work
- State Rehabilitation Council
- Access to Justice