Disability RAPP

System-Based Opportunities for Improving Transition Services

By Joanne Malloy, Ph.D. The following changes in special education policy and practice are recommended to help improve transition services for New Hampshire’s special education students. High schools should incorporate transition-focused supports using the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework and Universal...

Rites of Passage

This on-line article has been updated from the version appearing in print.By Mary Schuh Growing up is a time of opportunity and risk. Too often, teens with disabilities are left out of vital experiences that assist in lifelong decision making related to higher education, meaningful careers, and sustainable relationships. As young adults learn to negotiate adulthood through various rites...

Student Directed Transition Planning Checklist

Each item below is a recommended practice that, when implemented, is more likely to result in transition to higher education and a meaningful job/career. Any boxes that remain unchecked should prompt a plan of action ☐ Are you included on your IEP transition planning team and encouraged to share your dreams and goals for life after high school? ☐ Do you have a typical daily schedule: age appropriate, general education classes in high school and supports provided so that you can be successful? ☐ Are your general...